Writing a scientific review paper
Possible College Essay Topics Harry Potter
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Validity, Reliability, and Accuracy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Legitimacy, Reliability, and Accuracy - Assignment Example This is basic not exclusively to be reasonable for the understudy yet additionally get an exact delegate of the class all in all. What's more, composing such an evaluation forthright will ease the potential for issues not far off. Understudies may, for instance, become baffled if a test is seen to be out of line. Much time might be gone through after the test with understudies scrutinizing the very trustworthiness of the appraisal itself. What's more, if a test doesn't appropriately test understudy perception about the given material, the educator may arrive at a bogus suspicion about the exhibition of the class, and in this manner their own instructing too. In view of these points, the aim of this paper is to look at the legitimacy and unwavering quality of the theoretical business the executives test given in the first two pages. Legitimacy When thinking about whether an educator ought to be worried over the horrible showing appeared by their understudies on a specific test, one sh ould initially take a gander at the evaluation itself (Kubiszyn and Borich, 2013, p. 326). Tests should be legitimate before their outcomes can truly be acknowledged. By and large, got a bombing grade on a test doesn't, in itself, demonstrate that they didn't grasp the material. After dissecting the test, the educator may find certain issues with the test that make it invalid in any case. It could well happen that the instructor re-composes a legitimate test, offers it to a similar arrangement of understudies, and they all perform grandly. Therefore, and others, the legitimacy of some random appraisal must be decided before any outcomes with respect to the understudies are thought of and recorded. One approach to start testing the legitimacy of a test is to consider the evaluation level of the material. In the event that the test is given to third... Legitimacy, Reliability, and Accuracy While thinking about whether an instructor ought to be worried over the terrible showing appeared by their understudies on a specific test, one should initially take a gander at the evaluation itself (Kubiszyn and Borich, 2013, p. 326). Tests should be substantial before their outcomes can truly be acknowledged. By and large, got a bombing grade on a test doesn't, in itself, show that they didn't understand the material. As indicated by Kubiszyn and Borich (2013), â€Å"The unwavering quality of a test alludes to the consistency with which it yields a similar position for people who step through the examination more than once†(p. 338). The sign here is that an understudy inside a given class should rank in about a similar spot without fail if a similar test is given to a similar class. As per Kubiszyn and Borich (2013), â€Å"No test gauges consummately, and numerous tests neglect to quantify just as we might want them to†(p. 348). The key is to understand that there will nearly be some degree of blunder in a test, however the instructor must endeavor to limit that mistake furthest extent conceivable. At last, there could be a mistake in scoring. This is especially imperative to screen if a human scores the test. For this test, the instructor can dispense with this mistake, by and large, by not scoring the test when they are drained or in a surge. It is fitting to score a test in clusters, as opposed to at the same time, to guarantee that weariness does no effect the checking of every reaction.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cheers Company Business Expansion Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Talk about the Cheers Company Business Expansion. Answer: Presentation The Australian market is enormous and appropriate for pretty much every item except isn't sufficiently large to oblige the thoughts of centered business people. As indicated by Jensen and Cornwell (2017), development disapproved of businessmen regularly center around the remainder of the world as their clam. A similar report signifies that looking for worldwide development is fundamental for worldwide business visionaries to get to more open doors for clients, with the point of benefit extension. Centering the development of a business into the universal market empowers the business to expand the business life of the current administrations and items into the new markets. Worldwide business extension likewise gives a business serious encounter of the universal business rivalry, a perspective that can give them an additional favorable position in their ground as called attention to by van Dijk and Buijs (2016, p. 3). Like other worldwide organizations, themanagement of CHEERS Company has the craving of growing their business into the global market with an emphasis on Brazil and India. This paper consequently assesses the idea of business in the chose nations with an emphasis on the chances and dangers that can influence the business. The paper subsequently settles in analyzing India as a reasonable nation for development. It at that point presents the pertinent strategies for passage into the picked advertise. Examination of dangers and openings in Indian and Brazilian Markets The specialty brew has kept on becoming over the previous years in India with an expansion of 6%. In the year 2014 and 2015 and has developed twice quicker contrasted with the earlier years however at a low rate over the previous decade (Reuben 2010). There has been a lopsided unique change in development rates in the last two going before long periods of 2015 and 2016 individually. The normal retail cost for lager in 2014-2015 was around 80 rupees, yet it has kept growing up to around 120 rupees. Lager structures one of the most expended items in India. India, with a populace of about 1.28 billion, meaning about 18% of the complete planet populace, it is recognizable that just around 600 million of the all out populace is falling beneath the destitution line. The populace scarcely have food to eat, consequently, doesn't consider alcohol in their every day financial plans as their day by day pay can even bear to continue the essential needs (Reuben 2010). The populace generally lives in rustic zones that are described by the inadequately evolved economy and foundation. From the staying 600 million of the populace, just around 400 million are beneath the drinking age thus leaving the 200 million individuals in the section drinking. Among this 200 million, who might be either taking liquor or not, with a likelihood of 0.5, it will leave 100 million individuals who are potential liquor shoppers. As indicated by WHO about is 68% of the total populace doesn't devour liquor, yet in India, the rate is somewhat higher. India is a youthful nation of a normal time of 25.1 years and the bit of individuals old enough as long as 24 years takes about 47% creation the market for lager to be all the more encouraging for the Brewers. The quantity of the potential brew purchasers will in general increment by around a million in consistently, brought about by the steady parity of development and loss of populace (Reubens 2010). The light brew utilization in India can be meant the inadequately grown retail arrange, making the shoppers travel a more drawn out separatio n and line at the stores just for them to have the option to purchase lagers. The pressure that one experiences will in general dishearten an enormous number of individuals who may have the inclination to devour lager; they will in the long run pick different sorts of liquor, for example, industrialized brews. Considerably, a large portion of the brew buyers in India are described as princely individuals with non-preservationist who think of it as increasingly lavish costly thing. The connection between's the GDP and the volume of the brew utilization in immature nations with low earnings, for example, Sri-Lanka is twofold of that of India (Appelegate et al. 2013, p. 89).The development of lager showcase is generally influenced by the administration guideline. The western nations where is detectable that the wedded individuals take more liquor than the unmarried not at all like in India, the wedded couple will in general take less liquor because of the low wages. The low wages can't be sufficient for different financial plans and lagers. The low GDP and lager utilization can likewise be identified with the religion and reasoning, where the strict convictions control the conclusive effect on the brew utilization. Usually the Islam and Sikh religions disallow the utilization of liquor and are exceptionally exacting more than Christianity and Hinduism is the torpid religion framing of about 78.4% while Muslims shapes about 14.8%, along these lines, from the inves tigations it is feasible that the majority of the liquor shoppers are the Hindus and Christians. The Mahatma Gandhi reasoning has been one of the essential facilitators of against liquor utilization development in India. Gandhi consistently urged individuals to be calm and helped those individuals experiencing liquor in recovering their wellbeing in the wake of swearing off liquor. Gandhis activities against liquor addiction were advanced by the country's restriction on liquor abuse after autonomy and the pledge to keep away from it that was specified in the constitution is as yet compelling up to now. There are 29 states in India with independent advertising limits. It is discernible that a market can every now and again show a consistent development in certain particular locales however neglect to make great deals in the neighboring zones (Reubens 2010). The fundamental issue is that a large portion of the Indian brewers don't have authority over the evaluating of the lager since for the most part it is managed by the administration arrangements, for example, extract, exceptional VAT, and distinctive alcoholic licenses. Along these lines the guideline is viewed as dualism since the total boycott will see that there is no income gathered for the administration which is significant. Through this control of lager deals, 2/3 is feasible from the state organizations. In this way, even with little drinking populace, India turned into the second biggest world purchaser of liquor and would in general increment later on however offers little chance to the business. Specialty brew development keeps on developing in Brazil despite the fact that it doesn't offer the danger to significant players in the segment. As per the Brazilian Beer Association, the specialty lager showcase is expecting an expansion of about 10% quickly (Alonso et al., 2017). As per the investigation, the figure of specialty lager is increasingly noteworthy when contrasted with the 3% saw increment of the industrialized brews. The expansion comes as the art distilleries are building their notoriety, brands, expanding their volumes and improving their brands to meet the quality requested by the Brazilians lager consumers. As per considers, Brazil shapes the third greatest nation in the globe that expends brew with 1,252 kg and hold about 6.6% of the worldwide offer (Casey 2010). Brew in Brazil speaks to the most elevated extent of the alcohol showcase with 60% followed by spirits with 36% and 4% of the wine. Pilsner is the most devoured brew in Brazil with 98% piece of the pie as half is expended in the bars and cafés 45% being appropriated through the markets and alcohol stores. A large portion of the lager buyers in Brazil are the youthful age a populace of about 61% it is as yet perceptible as generally little clients because of the low buying power. As much it is the third biggest lager delivering nation on the planet, the per capita utilization in Brazil is moderately little. The development rate has expanded considerably to about 6.6% every year between the time of 2008 and 2013. The expansion is discernible as twice more than the development seen in the vast majority of the mass creating areas. There has been developing enthusiasm for creation and utilization has been impacting by the expansion in the salary. It is recognizable that the pay development in Brazil is ceaselessly extending at the pace of 3.8% every year. The pay flexibility of interest for the brew with a 1% expands the customers request the lager by 1.2%. Thus, it is a ramifications that there is a basic open door for development in the fermenting business (Casey 2010) Brazil creates lager showcase comprises of in excess of 300 little distilleries that sell its items multiple times more than the modern brew brands. Along these lines, it is workable for Brazil t o enlist an expansion in the market development over the couple of years in future thus creating lager industry has a potential open door in Brazil. Chosen goal nation For some organizations, Errichiello (2017) signify that created nations, for example, Japan, Mexico, Europe, and Canada among others are regularly the undeniable and essential focuses for most business visionaries. In any case, the Indian market is a case of other quickly developing and less serious markets that are ready for worldwide business extension (Husain 2016, p. 72). At the point when an outside business in progressing towards development in a picked showcase, it is basic to concentrate on the foundation, the way of life of the individuals, agreeableness of the item into the market, and whether there is a recognition with the item (van Dijk Buijs 2017, P. 89). With stable monetary exercises, for example, concentrated agrarian exercises like agriculture, aquaculture, aviculture, sericulture, and so forth, the Indian market has solid financial development simply like other rising economies, for example, Nigeria, China, Russia, and Turkey among others (Mirsa 2009, p. 110). Inno vative development has likewise made business simpler through the appropriation of the web based business notwithstanding more prominent government support for organizations and organizations with the longing to extend abroad as called attention to by Jian and Jing (2017). A similar report also indicates that the mining of raw petroleum places cash under the control of the residents consequently enabling them to buy the CHEERS Company items. Conversation and avocation
Friday, August 21, 2020
Live in Essay Example for Free
Live in Essay 22 August 2008 In January 2008, the Supreme Court approved long haul live seeing someone as relationships. A Supreme Court seat headed by Justice Arijit Pasayat with P Satasivan proclaimed that youngsters conceived out of such a relationship will never again be called ill-conceived. Law slants in light of a legitimate concern for authenticity and disapproval whoreson or product of infidelity, the court included. The summit court judgment was trailed by comparative recommendations from the National Commission for Women (NCW). In June this year, because of proposals made by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the NCW looked for an adjustment in the meaning of spouse as portrayed in Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC), which manages upkeep. The NCW suggested that ladies in live seeing someone ought to be qualified for upkeep if the man abandons her. Underscoring the requirement for widening the meaning of spouse in the CrPC area, NCW authorities said there had been situations where the man drove the lady to accept that he was unmarried or was separated or bereft and proceeded with the conventions required by marriage laws or the custom overseeing him. As a method of countering this, NCW executive Girija Vyas recommended that regardless of whether a marriage was not enlisted, a womans guarantee would stand on the off chance that she gave enough evidence of a drawn out relationship. This underscored the Supreme Courts stand that a man and lady, having lived respectively for long, would be dared to have been hitched, except if it was invalidated by persuading proof. Equivalent rights The ongoing decision is just the most recent in a progression of suggestions by different bodies looking for equivalent rights for the wedded lady and live-in female accomplice. A proposal by the Justice Malinath Committee to the Law Commission of India (2003) expressed that if a lady has been in a live-in relationship for a sensible time, she ought to appreciate the legitimate privileges of a spouse. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (2005) gives insurance to ladies on account of their spouses just as live-in accomplices, and his family members. At the point when the law came into power in October 2006, it didn't recognize the lady who is hitched and the lady who is in a live-in relationship. The SC governing in itself has its point of reference in a 1927 judgment made by the Privy Council, the Supreme Courts forerunner in pre-autonomous India. In A Dinohamy v. WL Blahamy, the Council set out a general rule: Where a man and a lady are demonstrated to have lived respectively as a man and spouse, the law will assume, except if the opposite be unmistakably demonstrated, that they were living respectively in outcome of a legitimate marriage and not in a condition of concubinage. The Council made huge increments to the 1927 decision in 1929 in Mohabhat Ali Vs Mohammad Ibrahim Khan. It stated: The law presumes for marriage and against concubinage when a man and lady have lived together persistently for various years. For a live-in couple to be viewed as truly wedded, the court needed proof of living together for various years, without determining the base number of years. In Gokal Chand and Pravin Kumari (1952), the Supreme Court emphasized the 1929 guideline. In any case, it included that however the assumption for a legitimate marriage between a live-in couple could be drawn from their long dwelling together, it wasnt enough to gain them authen ticity if the proof of their living respectively was rebuttable. In this judgment, the peak court wouldn't perceive a live-in relationship, however the couple had lived respectively for certain years before the pregnant lady chose to live alone with her youngster conceived out of a live-in relationship with the man. The answer of an assumption for a legitimate marriage, for this situation, originated from the youngster, who said she didn't recollect her dad consistently visiting her or her mom. In Badri Prasad (1978), the Supreme Court perceived a live-in relationship as a substantial marriage, blaming the experts for scrutinizing a relationship 50 years after the couple had started living respectively, and were treated as a wedded couple even by their family members. The view from the courts A Madhya Pradesh High Court judgment in 1985 managed the instance of Loli, who had lived for quite a while with Radhika Singh. Together they had five little girls and a child. The preliminary court excused the case made by Singhs sister-in-law that Loli ought not have property rights as she was only a paramour. The sister-in-law had looked for her privileges over the property, and battled that Loli had begun living with Singh in any event, when her first spouse was alive, and in this manner, there couldn't be an assumption of legitimate marriage. In any case, the re-appraising court put aside the preliminary courts request, a stand the Madhya Pradesh High Court likewise concurred with. This carries us to Payal Sharma Vs Superintendent, Nari Niketan, and others, in which a court expressed in 2001 that a live-in relationship was not unlawful. Sharma had moved the Allahabad High Court to be left to do her own offering subsequent to being compelled to live in a Nari Niketan at Agra, following her capture, alongside Ramendra Singh, with whom she had a live-in relationship. The Agra police captured her and Singh based on a FIR stopped by her dad, blaming Singh, a previously hitched man, of abducting Sharma. An occupant of Kannauj region in Uttar Pradesh, Sharma created narrative proof, including her secondary school testament, to demonstrate that she was 21 years of age. Based on this proof, the court guided the specialists to liberate her. Equity M Katju and Justice RB Mishra expressed, Petitioner Smt. Payal Sharma showed up before us and expressed that she is over 21 years old, which is borne out from the secondary school authentication which shows that her date of birth is 10. 7. 1980. Consequently she is a significant and has the privilege to go anyplace and live with anybody. As we would see it, a man and a lady, even without getting hitched, can live respectively on the off chance that they wish to. This might be viewed as improper by society, however isn't illicit. There is a contrast among law and ethical quality. Accordingly, a uniform view seems to rise up out of the courts, when one ganders at the historical backdrop of cases on the topic of live seeing someone. It gives the idea that, all things considered, legitimate approval for live seeing someone depends on the supposition that they are not among rises to, and consequently ladies must be shielded by the courts from the man centric force that characterizes marriage, which covers these connections as well. Shades of dim However, such defensive assent brings up different issues, quite about the organization of marriage itself, for which there are no simple answers. Assuming a live-in relationship is between a man who is as of now hitched with youngsters, and a solitary lady? In Payal Sharma, Ramendra Singh was a hitched man with youngsters. Which womans intrigue should the courts and law ensure, and in doing as such, can the obvious balance among wedded and unmarried couples be kept up? Live seeing someone likewise bring up issues about legitimate position towards plural marriage. In soul and quintessence, the Allahabad High Court judgment repudiates the law against polygamy for Hindus, both for people, which make it obligatory for a spouse or wife to get a separation before they can wed once more. When plural marriage is unlawful with the exception of Muslims in what sense can a live-in relationship be equivalent to a marriage, if either the man or the lady is as of now hitched? Also, how is it that a division seat of a High Court can articulate a judgment that straightforwardly damages the social, lawful and obedient ramifications that quandary the spouse in a Hindu marriage, which incorporates living with the wife and youngsters under a similar rooftop? Theres additionally the topic of marriage-like security for a lady who enters a relationship with somebody she isnt wedded to, by decision or situation. Does a female accomplice need the assurance of legitimate standing proportionate to that of a spouse, in a non-wedded relationship she went into by decision or situation? To wed, or not to wed? Live seeing someone among urban, taught, upper-white collar class youngsters started as a presentation of autonomy, as a method of avoiding the shackles of systematized relationships. Truth be told, its a resolved dismissal of the establishment of marriage, of the generalizations it induces, and of the limitations and disparities it has come to represent. In any case, lawful approval conceded to a live-in relationship may return it in the snare that live-in accomplices tried to dodge in any case. This legitimate authorization infers that live seeing someone are limited by similar guidelines of constancy, responsibility and monetary soundness that marriage is organized in. Social geographer Soma Das says that individuals who choose live seeing someone do so in light of the fact that they don't have confidence in marriage. On the off chance that live seeing someone are treated comparable to marriage, numerous youngsters and ladies may not so much prefer to get into such open connections. At the opposite end, guaranteeing support and giving lawful approval to live seeing someone won't make the situation of the female accomplice equivalent to that of the spouse since social acknowledgment in Indian culture will take quite a while. It despite everything doesn't have a mentality that acknowledges the offended female accomplice of a live-in relationship. Analyst Shenaz B Ilavia accepts that live seeing someone are as yet bound to a minimal fragment of society which she calls the first class, upper white collar class. Hypothetically, it might seem like a superior recommendation than marriage, yet not many individuals really decide on it. A live-in relationship is anything but a substitute for marriage, she says.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Making The Most Of B-School Advice From The Best Brightest Business Majors
Making The Most Of B-School: Advice From The Best Brightest Business Majors by: Jeff Schmitt on January 07, 2016 | 0 Comments Comments 2,363 Views January 7, 2016The world is full of advice. Take risks. Think about the long-term. Don’t settle. It’s a lot to digest, especially when you have so many options. In school, your major is one area where you’re certain to find some strong opinions. And one is to â€Å"be practical.†Forget self-discovery, some will say. Major in something where you can find a job.Here’s a thought: Why can’t students do both?Rupinderpal Singh GrewalFor generations, business has been the â€Å"practical†major. It is the safe field where you can reap the benefits of an upper middle class life. For the Class of 2016, business is more than a means to an end. Instead, it is a way of thinking and a means for making a difference. Rupinderpal Singh Grewal, who aspires to be a CFO and entrepreneur after graduating from the University of California-Berkeley, describes business as the â€Å"backbone of everything.†And Georgetown’s Sarah Long, who’s already garnered four offers to work in management consulting, observes that today’s business major prepares students for far more than banking. â€Å"The coursework gives you the tools and background, comprising both hard and soft skills, to explain so much of why the world is the way it is,†she tells PoetsQuants. â€Å"It also prepares you to be an effective catalyst for change, turning data in to actionable information that can be used to advance causes, enhance capabilities, and create jobs. A business degree prepares you to think practically about the world in a newly enlightened way.†In December, PoetsQuants honored over 50 of the best and brightest business majors from the Class of 2016. These students, elected by their schools, set themselves apart by their â€Å"academic performance, extracurricu lar leadership, personal character, and innate potential.†If you’re curious about business –or wondering how to get the most out of school – you won’t find a better group of for advice.PROBLEM-SOLVING AND PASSION DIFFERENTIATE BUSINESS MAJORS Not surprisingly, the biggest question asked by prospective business majors is, ‘How would I know if I should major in business?’ And Notre Dame’s Carolina Gutierrez has a simple response to that. â€Å"I would ask them if they enjoy problem solving in general, because that is what studying business is all about,†Gutierrez writes. Initially, the University of Texas’ Rachael Huynh viewed business as a way to secure a â€Å"solid financial future.†However, she, like Gutierrez, quickly discovered that it was a vehicle to channel her passion to make things better. â€Å"[Business] is for systematically solving problems and putting together valuable answers, and that will apply to anything, in our out of corporate America. Once you see the incredible possibilities business offers to do good and transform our society, the entire discipline opens up to you and becomes so much more meaningful.†Erica AmatoriIndeed, â€Å"passion†is a term used frequently by this year’s best and brightest business majors. Several students warned against majoring in business to make money or because it was â€Å"the right thing to do†or â€Å"they don’t know what else to do.†Instead, they encourage future students, in the words of William Mary’s Erica Amatori, to â€Å"go in with an open mind and with a heart full of desire.†â€Å"Follow your passions, not just what sounds the most impressive, states Ben Cunningham of the University of Virginia. â€Å"Youll be more genuine when you follow what you care about and youll be better at it.†Most important, adds Cornell University’s Alex Muchoki, forge yo ur path – even if you have to create one.  â€Å"Do not be afraid of walking the road less travelled. This is especially true for people who want to get into â€Å"nontraditional careers†in business or even entrepreneurship. You have to be willing to take the risks and trust that eventually the â€Å"dots will somehow connect in your future.†BE OPEN TO NEW IDEAS, PEOPLE AND OPPORTUNITIES At the same time, this year’s top business majors also counsel incoming students to open themselves up to the possibilities around them. â€Å"There is no single defined path to success,†argues Emory’s Max Mayblum, who’ll be joining Kurt Salmon this summer. â€Å"Read a lot, speak to experienced people, connect with a mentor, and as soon as you find what it is that you derive satisfaction from, make a career out of it. The best way you can position yourself to learn is to get your hands dirty and do something. Give yourself the opportunity to l earn through extracurriculars, internships, and leadership activities.†Reetika PurohitFor Georgetown’s Vaibhav Agarwal, the biggest danger is for students to limit themselves to a particular specialty. â€Å"The world of business is so broad with endless opportunities that it is important to expose yourself to as many of those areas as possible. With possibilities in areas like consulting, banking, non-profits, incubator start-ups, academia and research, and countless other tremendous opportunities, the world is your oyster so go out with an open mind and expand your horizons.†By extension, that means stepping into the spotlight to share your ideas and engage in dialogue. â€Å"Some of the best learning opportunities come in the classroom through arguing for your perspective and hearing the rationale and logic others used in coming up with their perspective,†explains the University of Michigan’s Reetika Purohit. â€Å"It truly allows you to better understand how concepts apply to the real world.†Echoing Agarwal, Purohit adds that developing your knowledge in all business functions increases your value and enhances your existing strengths. â€Å"A lot of students come in being incredibly focused on just finance or just marketing and don’t put in the time to learn about other areas. Having a well-rounded business education prepares you to deal with the real world while also allowing you to explore different career paths you could have easily never come across by being too narrow minded.†Page 1 of 41234 »
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Who Is An Adult Essay - 1338 Words
The article titled â€Å"Who is an adult?†is a blog published by Psychology Today on March 3rd, 2010, in which Jennifer Tanner attempts to show the debate on when a person is considered an adult by presenting two sides of the debate and their similarities. On one side of the debate Tanner uses Dr. Jeffry Arnett’s research study of the 1990’s. He interviewed three hundred eighteen to twenty-nine year olds to discover if they felt that they were adolescents or adults. The conclusion was that the majority of their answers were neither one or the other but â€Å"in-between.†On the other side of the debate Tanner uses The Network on Transitions to Adulthood, a network of researchers that argues there is an extended adolescence stalling-off adulthood. Tanner discusses these two sides of the age debate, while remaining neutral on the issue, in order to increase our society’s awareness of the impact of these critical years on the rest of our life. As an a pplied developmental psychologist, Tanner explains this stage from adolescence to adulthood has been the theme of her work. She worked as an undergrad with Dr. Susan Whitbourne on studies of college students growing up. Tanner states, â€Å"I have been intrigued by the lack of understanding we have about the critical years when we lay the foundation of our adult lives†(Tanner, 2010). The author is building the argument up by displaying her expertise on the issue. This strategy is also used when Tanner presents both sides of the debate. SheShow MoreRelatedJuveniles Who Stand Trial As An Adults1519 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract Juveniles who is housed with adults is a major issue. It’s important to address this issue accordingly, however the issue is not addressed. Why would you houses juveniles with adults together? Juveniles and adults have two different minds fames. Yes, some would say â€Å"you the crime, you do the time†, however juveniles are not mentally and physically equal. 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Lighting should be a primary concern to those living in, working in, and designing Nursing Homes. Light
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
British Petroleum ( Bp Plc ) - 1604 Words
Another company that has recently conducted poor social responsibility is British Petroleum (BP plc). For those unfamiliar, BP, a multinational company headquartered in London, England, is one of the world’s seven major oil and gas companies operating in all areas of the oil and gas industry. These industries include the likes of exploration, production, distribution, marketing, and power generation, along with several other areas. With that much integration in one particular industry, a large corporation like that carries a large amount of social responsibility. The company’s origin dates all the way back to the founding of a small Iranian oil discovery company in 1908, but it has not been until recently that the company has been directly involved in several major environmental and safety incidents, one of which being the well-known 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the largest accidental release of oil into marine waters. This spill resulted in severe environmental, health and economic consequences for numerous areas throughout the gulf coast, not to mention serious legal and public relations repercussions for BP. Legal proceedings are continuing, but most have commenced. During this time, the company has pleaded guilty to 11 counts of felony manslaughter, two misdemeanors, and one felony count of lying to congress. They have also agreed to pay more than $4.5 billion in fines and penalties, the largest criminal resolution in US history. In September of 2014, the judgeShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Planning Paper944 Words  | 4 Pagesis British Petroleum better known as BP. In this paper, the Author will attempt to go in depth about BP’s internal and external stakeholders, the company’s goals, mission, and vision, and at least one goal that can be accomplished through strategic and operational planning. The author will also conduct a SWOT analysis on BP, explain how these plans will achieve the related goals, and the effect of planning decisions on the internal and external stakeholders. BP, also recognized as British PetroleumRead MoreSocial, Cultural and Environmental Responsibility of Corporate Business Leaders1482 Words  | 6 Pagescom/2010/05/04/corporate-social-responsibility-and-stock-values-a-lesson-from-bps-deep-horizon-catastrophe/ †¢ Solman, Gregory (2008) BP: Coloring Public Opinion?, Adweek.com [Internet] January 14th, 2008. Available at http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising/bp-coloring-public-opinion-91662 †¢ http://www.iisd.org/sd/ †¢ http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/bp Case Study: Corporate Social Responsibility and Stock Values, a lesson from British Petroleum’s Deep Horizon catastrophe The Golf of Mexico’s oilRead MoreWhy The British Petroleum Was Responsible For The Accident1404 Words  | 6 PagesDeepwater Horizon oil spill was one of the worst and the largest oil in the history of the world. In the following essay we will discuss about the various aspects related to the accident and find out whether if the British Petroleum was responsible for the accident. BP or British Petroleum is the largest corporation in the United Kingdom and is an international company that operates in oil, gas and chemical industry. The company is headquartered at London. It owns various refineries as well as chemicalRead MoreBp Pipeline Case Regarding Ethical Behavior And Decision Makin1709 Words  | 7 PagesBP Pipeline Case regarding Ethical Behaviors and Decision-Makin British Petroleum (BP) has been operating in the United States for decades. They have required most of their refineries through acquisitions in the med the 1900’s, which helped them to become one of the leading oil producers in the world. The acquisition of the Prudhoe Bay, Alaska refineries produces more than five percent of America’s oil. Therefore, it guaranteed BP’s economic goals by continuing producing oil in the United StatesRead MoreBp Oil Spill Globalization1062 Words  | 5 PagesThe 20th of April 2010 will be marked as the worst day in British Petroleum PLC’s history, the day that there was an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig whilst drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 people and causing devastation to all the surrounding areas. The events of this day affected the global markets and relationships between countries substantially.  ¹Daniels et al. (2009) states that globalisation is â€Å"The broadening set of interdependence relationships among people fromRead MoreThe British Petroleum Company Plc1946 Words  | 8 PagesThe British Petroleum Company plc (BP) is one of the five largest oil companies in the world today. It is United Kingdom’s largest corporation. BP discovered oil in Iran before World War I. By the mid 1990’s it produced over 1.5 million cubic feet of natural gas every day. It has more than 16,400 service stations around the world. It is an integrated oil and gas company. The company provides its customers fuel used in transportation, petrochemical products that are used in making paints, clothesRead MoreBp 7s Analysis10010 Words  | 41 PagesBP plc[3][4] (LSE: BP, NYSE: BP) is a British multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the third-largest energy company and fourth-largest company in the world measured by 2011 revenues and is one of the six oil and gas supermajors.[5][6] It is vertically integrated and operates in all areas of the oil and gas industry, including exploration and production,refining, distribution and marketing, petrochemicals, power generation and trading. It also has renewableRead MoreBritish Petroleum1639 Words  | 7 Pages475 Business and Society Introduction The Anglo-Persian Oil Company which is now known as British Petroleum (BP) was founded in 1909 and is one of the world’s leading international gas and oil companies. The multinational British company’s headquarters is located in London, United Kingdom and is one of the five largest oil companies in the world. The pioneer of the Middle Eastern oil industry, BP discovered oil in Iran before World War I and eventually became involved in all aspects of theRead MoreBp 7s Analysis10000 Words  | 40 PagesBP plc[3][4] (LSE: BP, NYSE: BP) is a British multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the third-largest energy company and fourth-largest company in the world measured by 2011 revenues and is one of the six oil and gas supermajors.[5][6] It is vertically integrated and operates in all areas of the oil and gas industry, including exploration and production,refining, distributio n and marketing, petrochemicals, power generation and trading. It also has renewableRead MoreTheoritical Prespective on Voluntary Disclosure by Bp Plc in Regards to Deepwater Horizon1869 Words  | 8 Pagesthe voluntary disclosure of Deepwater Horizon Disaster by BP Plc. | | | Prepared by : Gajanayagam Jeyasundram | This paper examines the relevant theory that explains public disclosure by big corporations in disclosing corporate mishaps that has environmental, social and economic consequence. We look at Deepwater Horizon in particular and its disclosure by BP. | Num | Content | Page | 1.0 | Introduction 1.1 BP Plc. 1.2 Deepwater Horizon Disaster | 3-4 | 2.0 | Legitimacy
Corporate Governance of Listed Companies †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Corporate Governance of Listed Companies. Answer: Introduction: Accounting plays a crucial role in the life of an organization. It assists an organization to make various decisions for the betterment of an organization. In this report 2 cases have been studied, in first case, the splinter sports equipment manufacturing limited has been analyzed and found that one of their production processes is occurring loss. The strategies have been analyzed in this case to reduce the level of the losses in the organization and further, the cost sheet has been managed in such a manner that best strategy could be planned by the company. In second case, Cocoaland Holdings Berhad has been analyzed and a financial analysis study has been performed over the company to analyze and investigate the functions and the activities of the company. More, it has been found that what are the drawbacks of the company and how can the company overcome it. More, in both the cases, various tools and techniques have been analyzed to make a proper report and through which a good decision could be made. In this report, costing analysis as well as financial accounting study has been done to investigate both the cases and reach over a conclusion. Ratio analysis method has been taken into teh context for the second report so that the financial data of the Cocoaland holdings limited could be analyzed in a proper manner and the recommendation could be given to the user of the report in a proper manner so that a best decision could be made. In this case, it has been found that splinter sports equipment manufacturing limited is a manufacturing company and one of the production processes of this company is occurring loss. Currently, the cost sheet of the company is as follows: Income / expenses Total, RM Round, RM Traingular, RM Square, RM Sales 1000000 140000 500000 360000 Less: Variable expenses -410000 -60000 -200000 -150000 Contribution margin 590000 80000 300000 210000 Less: Fixed expenses Advertising 216000 41000 110000 65000 Depreciation 95000 20000 40000 35000 Line supervisor's salary 19000 6000 7000 6000 Gen factory overhead 200000 28000 100000 72000 Total fixed expenses 530000 95000 257000 178000 Net operating income / loss 60000 -15000 43000 32000 It has been found that the Round process is occurring loss and the management of the company has decided to reduce the level of the loss through discontinued the operations and the manufacturing process of Round (Zimmerman and Yahya-Zadeh, 2011). It has been evaluated that if the operations of the company i.e. sales and the manufacturing process of the company would be stopped than also the fixed cost of the process would occur and in that situation, the ,loss of the company would enhance from -15000 to -61000. The calculations are given below: Income / expenses Total, RM Round, RM Traingular, RM Square, RM Sales 860000 500000 360000 Less: Variable expenses -350000 -200000 -150000 Contribution margin 510000 300000 210000 Less: Fixed expenses Advertising 175000 41000 110000 65000 Depreciation 95000 20000 40000 35000 Line supervisor's salary 13000 7000 6000 Gen factory overhead 172000 100000 72000 Total fixed expenses 455000 61000 257000 178000 Net operating income / loss 55000 -61000 43000 32000 Thus, through this analysis, it is suggested to the company to not to discontinue the sales and manufacturing of the company rather the company must adopt new strategies through which the loss of the process could be reduce and the profitability position of the company could be improved (Weston and Brigham, 2015). Recasting the above data: Further, the data of the company has been put in such a manner that it becomes easy for the managers and the financial analysts to make better decision about the production process of the company and the profitability position. Through these calculations, the following cost sheet has been prepared: Income / expenses Total, RM Round, RM Traingular, RM Square, RM Sales 1000000 140000 500000 360000 Less: Variable expenses -410000 -60000 -200000 -150000 Contribution margin 590000 80000 300000 210000 Less: Semi variable cost Gen factory overhead 200000 28000 100000 72000 Total semi variable cost 200000 28000 100000 72000 Less: Fixed expenses Advertising 216000 41000 110000 65000 Depreciation 95000 20000 40000 35000 Line supervisor's salary 19000 6000 7000 6000 Total fixed expenses 330000 67000 157000 106000 Net operating income / loss 60000 13000 143000 104000 In the above table, the column of the semi variable cost has been diversified to analyze the variable, fixed and semi variable cost of a company. This would help the organization to make a better decision about the production process and the profitability position. Through this, the BEP point of the company could also be calculated (Weaver, Weston and Weaver, 2001). Cocoaland holdings berhad is an investment holding organization which manufactures and trades into the preserved food, processed foods, juices, fruits and foodstuffs in the Malaysian market. This comapny mainly offers the wafers, candies, chocolates, gummies, jellies and snacks. The main vision and mission of this company is to enhance the market share and offer the quality product to the customers. This company is performing very well into Malaysian market and also trying to diversify its market into various new markets (Home, 2017). Through the mission statement of the company, it has been found that the main mission of the company is to grab the international market as well and offer the food to the international client. The vision of the company is to offer the best of the CSR policies to manage and maintain the performance and the position of the company (Morningstar, 2017). The main vision and mission of this company is to offer the quality product to the customers and enhance the market share. This company is performing very well into Malaysian market and trying to diversify its market into various new markets. The main objective behind this report is to manage and maintain the performance and the better position of a company in terms of the finance. Mainly this report has been prepared to analyze the position of the company so that a better decision could be prepared for the investors of the company to invest more into the company or not. The main objective of this report is to analyze the position of the company in terms of the liquid position, solvency position, profitability position and capital structure of the company. Financial statement analysis: Financial statement analysis is a process in which the financial statement of a company i.e. profit and loss account, balance sheet and the cash flow statement of a company is analyzed and the performance of a company is analyzed. Financial statement analysis is a study which is done over a company by its financial manager, financial analyst and the investors of the company to make decisions about the company (Hillier, Grinblatt and Titman, 2011). Financial manager uses this technique to identify the position and the performance of the company so that the changes could be done into the company to make the financial position of the company strong whereas Financial analyst and the investors use this technique to identify the profitability and the performance of the company so that the investment and divestment decision could be made to enhance the worth of the amount (Higgins, 2012). In this report, financial statement analysis has been done over COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD to identify the performance, profitability and the position of the company. In this report, the ratio analysis study has been performed over the financial data of the company of last 2 years to analyze and identify the changes into the company and also for identifying the current profitability, liquidity, solvency and the capital structure position. The study of ratio analysis of the COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD is as follows: Liquidity position is the type of ratio analysis which depict about the position of the debt position of the company. Liquidity position depicts that whether it is easy or tough for the company to pay the entire short term debts. This analysis helps the company to manage the position in which the entire debt obligation of the company could be managed. Liquidity ratios of a company could be analyzed through analyzing the current ratio position and the quick ratio position (Glajnaric, 2016). Current ratio is a simple calculation which estimates that whether the organization would be able to pay all the debts which would be due in one year from assets which is also expected to turn into cash in a year. Further, the quick ratio of a company is a simple calculation which estimates that whether the organization would be able to pay all the debts which would be due in one year from assets except the stock and raw material which is could not be turned into cash in a year. The study of liquidity ratio analysis has been investigated over the COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD. Current ratio and quick ratio study of the company is as follows: 2016 2015 Liquidity Current ratio Current assets/current liabilities 4.12 3.16 Quick Ratio Current assets-Inventory/current liabilities 3.04 2.22 (Yahoo finance, 2017) From the above calculations, it has been found that the current ratio of the company is 4.12 in 2016 and 3.16 in 2015. The current ratio of the company depict that current assets and the current ratio of the company is quite higher and thus the debt payment position of the company is quite good but at the same time the required assets is quite higher and due to which the cost of the company has became very higher. The ideal ratio of the organization must be 1.75:1. The company is required to manage the level of the current assets and the current liabilities to manage the risk and the cost of the company (Elmuti and Kathawala, 2001). From the above calculations, it has been found that the quick ratio of the company is 3.04 in 2016 and 2.22 in 2015. The quick ratio of the company depict that quick assets and the quick ratio of the company is quite higher and thus the debt payment position of the company is quite good but at the same time the required assets is quite higher and due to which the cost of the company has became very higher (Gitman and Zutter, 2012). The ideal ratio of the organization must be 1.33:1. The company is required to manage the level of the quick assets and the current liabilities to manage the risk and the cost of the company. Profitability position is the type of ratio analysis which depict about the position of the profit of the company. Profitability position depicts about the position of the profits of the company. This analysis helps the company to manage the position in which the entire profits of the company are managed. Profitability ratios of a company could be analyzed through analyzing the gross profit, net profit, sales, and equity position of a company. Net margin ratio is a simple calculation which estimates about the total profit of the company in context of the sales. Further, the net profit margin ratio of a company is a simple calculation which estimates that what is the total profit of the company in terms of the total equity of the company (Malaysia stock biz, 2017). The study of profitability ratio analysis has been investigated over the COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD. Net margin and return on equity ratio study of the company is as follows: 2016 2015 Profitability Net margin Net profit/revenues 16.07% 12.51% Return on equity Net profit/Equity 18.29% 16.14% (Morningstar, 2017) From the above calculations, it has been found that the net margin ratio of the company is 16.07% in 2016 and 12.15% in 2015. The net profit margin ratio of the company depict that net profit and the sales of the company has became higher from last year and thus the net profit position of the company has became better. This depict that the company is performing very well in the market. From the above calculations, it has been found that the return on equity ratio of the company is 18.29% in 2016 and 16.14% in 2015 (Fulin, 2011). The return on equity ratio of the company depicts that net profit and the equity of the company has become higher from last year and thus the return on equity of the company has become better. This depict that the company is performing very well in the market. And thus the return offered to the investors of the company would also be higher. Efficiency position is the type of ratio analysis which depict about the position of the cash collection of the company. Efficiency position depicts about the position of the turnover of the inventory, debtors, creditors and the assets of the company. This analysis helps the company to manage the position in which the entire turnover cost of the company is managed. Efficiency ratios of a company could be analyzed through analyzing the receivable, payable and the asset turnover position of a company (Gurufocus, 2017). Receivable collection period ratio is a simple calculation which estimates about the debtors collection time. Further, the payable collection period ratio is a simple calculation which estimates about the creditors payment time and lastly, asset turnover ratio is a simple calculation which estimates about the turnover in the assets of the company. The study of efficiency ratio analysis has been investigated over the COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD. Receivable collection period, payable collection period and asset turnover ratio study of the company is as follows: 2016 2015 Efficiency Receivables collection period Receivables/ Total sales*365 74.41 58.84 Payables collection period Payables/ Cost of sales*365 54.46 48.94 Asset turnover ratio Total sales/ Total assets 0.94 1.04 (Malaysia Stock biz, 2017) From the above calculations, it has been found that the receivable collection period of the company is 74.41 days in 2016 and 58.84 days in 2015. The receivable collection period of the company depict that total time of collection has became more than last year. This depict that the working capital of the company must be higher. Further, it has been found that the payable collection period and the asset turnover ratio of the company is 54.46 and 0.94 in 2016 and 48.94 and 1.04 in 2015. The payable collection period and the asset turnover ratio of the company depict that the company is required to maintain the control over the asset turnover and the payment days helps the company to manage the operations smoothly (4 traders, 2017). Capital structure is the type of ratio analysis which depict about the position of the equity and the debt position of the company. Capital structure position depicts about the position of the debts and the equity position of the company. This analysis helps the company to manage the position in which the entire funds of the company are managed. Capital structure ratios of a company could be analyzed through analyzing the position of the assets, debt and equity of a company (De Haan and Amtenbrink, 2011). Debt to equity ratio is a simple calculation which estimates about the total debt of a company in comparison of the total equity of the company. Further, the Debt to assets ratio is a simple calculation which estimates about the total debt of a company in comparison of the total assets of the company (Deegan, 2013). These analyzes depict about the capacity of a company to manage the financial funds. The study of capital structure ratio analysis has been investigated over the COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD. Debt to equity ratio and the debt to asset ratio study of the company are as follows: Capital structure ratio 2016 2015 Debt to Equity Ratio Debt/ Equity 0.21 0.24 Debt to assets Debt/ Total assets 0.17 0.19 From the above calculations, it has been found that the debt to equity ratio of the company is 0.21 in 2016 and 0.24 in 2015. The debt to equity ratio of the company depicts that how much the debt of the company in comparison of the equity of the company. This depict about the total risk and return of the company (Du and Girma, 2009). Further, it has been found that the debt to asset ratio of the company is 0.17 in 2016 and 0.19 in 2015. The debt to assets ratio of the company depicts that how much the debt of the company in comparison of the assets of the company. This depict about the total risk and return of the company as well as the management capability of the company to manage the optimal capital structure. From the above analysis, it has been found the liquidity position of the comapny is becoming more expensive for the company. The company is required to manage the level of the current assets, quick assets and the current liabilities to manage the risk and the cost of the company. More, the profitability ratios of the company depict that the net profit margin and the return on equity of the company has became higher from last year. This depict that the company is performing very well in the market. And thus the return offered to the investors of the company would also be higher. Additionally, it has been found that the company is required to manage the position of the inventory and asset turnover to reduce the level of the working capital and lastly, the capital structure ratio of the company is required to enhance the position of the debt to manage the risk and return factor of the company. Through this analysis, it has been found that the company is required to manage the various activities and the operations to identify the level of the return and reduce the level of the risk. The current position of the company depict that the investors would get higher return from the company and thus it is a good option for the investors to invest the amount in the COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD for long term as well as short term. Conclusion: To conclude, the liquidity position of the comapny is becoming worst day by day for the company as well as the investors of the company. The company is required to manage the level of the current assets, quick assets and the current liabilities to manage the risk and the cost of the company. The profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, solvent ratios, efficiency ratios and the capital structure ratios of the company are depicting about the different position of the company. Profitability ratios are depicting about the good performance of the company and depicting that the performance and position of the company are in the favour the investors and would offer high return to the company. Further, the efficiency ratios are depicting about the good performance of the working capital management and depicting that the performance and position of the company are in the favour the investors and would offer high return to the company. Lastly, the capital structure ratios are depicting about the debt and equity position of the company and also depict that the comapny must make a control over the performance and the position of the company. Through this analysis, it has been found that the company is required to manage the various activities and the operations to identify the level of the return and reduce the level of the risk. The current position of the company depict that the investors would get higher return from the company and thus it is a good option for the investors to invest the amount in the COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD for long term as well as short term. References: 4-traders, 2017. COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD. Retrieved from https://www.4-traders.com/COCOALAND-HOLDINGS-BERHAD-6498364/financials/ as on 4 Nov 2017 Corporate social responsibility. 2017. COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD. Retrieved from https://www.cocoaland.com/csr as on 4 Nov 2017 De Haan, J. and Amtenbrink, F., 2011. Credit rating agencies. 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