Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Corporate Governance of Listed Companies †

Question: Discuss about the Corporate Governance of Listed Companies. Answer: Introduction: Accounting plays a crucial role in the life of an organization. It assists an organization to make various decisions for the betterment of an organization. In this report 2 cases have been studied, in first case, the splinter sports equipment manufacturing limited has been analyzed and found that one of their production processes is occurring loss. The strategies have been analyzed in this case to reduce the level of the losses in the organization and further, the cost sheet has been managed in such a manner that best strategy could be planned by the company. In second case, Cocoaland Holdings Berhad has been analyzed and a financial analysis study has been performed over the company to analyze and investigate the functions and the activities of the company. More, it has been found that what are the drawbacks of the company and how can the company overcome it. More, in both the cases, various tools and techniques have been analyzed to make a proper report and through which a good decision could be made. In this report, costing analysis as well as financial accounting study has been done to investigate both the cases and reach over a conclusion. Ratio analysis method has been taken into teh context for the second report so that the financial data of the Cocoaland holdings limited could be analyzed in a proper manner and the recommendation could be given to the user of the report in a proper manner so that a best decision could be made. In this case, it has been found that splinter sports equipment manufacturing limited is a manufacturing company and one of the production processes of this company is occurring loss. Currently, the cost sheet of the company is as follows: Income / expenses Total, RM Round, RM Traingular, RM Square, RM Sales 1000000 140000 500000 360000 Less: Variable expenses -410000 -60000 -200000 -150000 Contribution margin 590000 80000 300000 210000 Less: Fixed expenses Advertising 216000 41000 110000 65000 Depreciation 95000 20000 40000 35000 Line supervisor's salary 19000 6000 7000 6000 Gen factory overhead 200000 28000 100000 72000 Total fixed expenses 530000 95000 257000 178000 Net operating income / loss 60000 -15000 43000 32000 It has been found that the Round process is occurring loss and the management of the company has decided to reduce the level of the loss through discontinued the operations and the manufacturing process of Round (Zimmerman and Yahya-Zadeh, 2011). It has been evaluated that if the operations of the company i.e. sales and the manufacturing process of the company would be stopped than also the fixed cost of the process would occur and in that situation, the ,loss of the company would enhance from -15000 to -61000. The calculations are given below: Income / expenses Total, RM Round, RM Traingular, RM Square, RM Sales 860000 500000 360000 Less: Variable expenses -350000 -200000 -150000 Contribution margin 510000 300000 210000 Less: Fixed expenses Advertising 175000 41000 110000 65000 Depreciation 95000 20000 40000 35000 Line supervisor's salary 13000 7000 6000 Gen factory overhead 172000 100000 72000 Total fixed expenses 455000 61000 257000 178000 Net operating income / loss 55000 -61000 43000 32000 Thus, through this analysis, it is suggested to the company to not to discontinue the sales and manufacturing of the company rather the company must adopt new strategies through which the loss of the process could be reduce and the profitability position of the company could be improved (Weston and Brigham, 2015). Recasting the above data: Further, the data of the company has been put in such a manner that it becomes easy for the managers and the financial analysts to make better decision about the production process of the company and the profitability position. Through these calculations, the following cost sheet has been prepared: Income / expenses Total, RM Round, RM Traingular, RM Square, RM Sales 1000000 140000 500000 360000 Less: Variable expenses -410000 -60000 -200000 -150000 Contribution margin 590000 80000 300000 210000 Less: Semi variable cost Gen factory overhead 200000 28000 100000 72000 Total semi variable cost 200000 28000 100000 72000 Less: Fixed expenses Advertising 216000 41000 110000 65000 Depreciation 95000 20000 40000 35000 Line supervisor's salary 19000 6000 7000 6000 Total fixed expenses 330000 67000 157000 106000 Net operating income / loss 60000 13000 143000 104000 In the above table, the column of the semi variable cost has been diversified to analyze the variable, fixed and semi variable cost of a company. This would help the organization to make a better decision about the production process and the profitability position. Through this, the BEP point of the company could also be calculated (Weaver, Weston and Weaver, 2001). Cocoaland holdings berhad is an investment holding organization which manufactures and trades into the preserved food, processed foods, juices, fruits and foodstuffs in the Malaysian market. This comapny mainly offers the wafers, candies, chocolates, gummies, jellies and snacks. The main vision and mission of this company is to enhance the market share and offer the quality product to the customers. This company is performing very well into Malaysian market and also trying to diversify its market into various new markets (Home, 2017). Through the mission statement of the company, it has been found that the main mission of the company is to grab the international market as well and offer the food to the international client. The vision of the company is to offer the best of the CSR policies to manage and maintain the performance and the position of the company (Morningstar, 2017). The main vision and mission of this company is to offer the quality product to the customers and enhance the market share. This company is performing very well into Malaysian market and trying to diversify its market into various new markets. The main objective behind this report is to manage and maintain the performance and the better position of a company in terms of the finance. Mainly this report has been prepared to analyze the position of the company so that a better decision could be prepared for the investors of the company to invest more into the company or not. The main objective of this report is to analyze the position of the company in terms of the liquid position, solvency position, profitability position and capital structure of the company. Financial statement analysis: Financial statement analysis is a process in which the financial statement of a company i.e. profit and loss account, balance sheet and the cash flow statement of a company is analyzed and the performance of a company is analyzed. Financial statement analysis is a study which is done over a company by its financial manager, financial analyst and the investors of the company to make decisions about the company (Hillier, Grinblatt and Titman, 2011). Financial manager uses this technique to identify the position and the performance of the company so that the changes could be done into the company to make the financial position of the company strong whereas Financial analyst and the investors use this technique to identify the profitability and the performance of the company so that the investment and divestment decision could be made to enhance the worth of the amount (Higgins, 2012). In this report, financial statement analysis has been done over COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD to identify the performance, profitability and the position of the company. In this report, the ratio analysis study has been performed over the financial data of the company of last 2 years to analyze and identify the changes into the company and also for identifying the current profitability, liquidity, solvency and the capital structure position. The study of ratio analysis of the COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD is as follows: Liquidity position is the type of ratio analysis which depict about the position of the debt position of the company. Liquidity position depicts that whether it is easy or tough for the company to pay the entire short term debts. This analysis helps the company to manage the position in which the entire debt obligation of the company could be managed. Liquidity ratios of a company could be analyzed through analyzing the current ratio position and the quick ratio position (Glajnaric, 2016). Current ratio is a simple calculation which estimates that whether the organization would be able to pay all the debts which would be due in one year from assets which is also expected to turn into cash in a year. Further, the quick ratio of a company is a simple calculation which estimates that whether the organization would be able to pay all the debts which would be due in one year from assets except the stock and raw material which is could not be turned into cash in a year. The study of liquidity ratio analysis has been investigated over the COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD. Current ratio and quick ratio study of the company is as follows: 2016 2015 Liquidity Current ratio Current assets/current liabilities 4.12 3.16 Quick Ratio Current assets-Inventory/current liabilities 3.04 2.22 (Yahoo finance, 2017) From the above calculations, it has been found that the current ratio of the company is 4.12 in 2016 and 3.16 in 2015. The current ratio of the company depict that current assets and the current ratio of the company is quite higher and thus the debt payment position of the company is quite good but at the same time the required assets is quite higher and due to which the cost of the company has became very higher. The ideal ratio of the organization must be 1.75:1. The company is required to manage the level of the current assets and the current liabilities to manage the risk and the cost of the company (Elmuti and Kathawala, 2001). From the above calculations, it has been found that the quick ratio of the company is 3.04 in 2016 and 2.22 in 2015. The quick ratio of the company depict that quick assets and the quick ratio of the company is quite higher and thus the debt payment position of the company is quite good but at the same time the required assets is quite higher and due to which the cost of the company has became very higher (Gitman and Zutter, 2012). The ideal ratio of the organization must be 1.33:1. The company is required to manage the level of the quick assets and the current liabilities to manage the risk and the cost of the company. Profitability position is the type of ratio analysis which depict about the position of the profit of the company. Profitability position depicts about the position of the profits of the company. This analysis helps the company to manage the position in which the entire profits of the company are managed. Profitability ratios of a company could be analyzed through analyzing the gross profit, net profit, sales, and equity position of a company. Net margin ratio is a simple calculation which estimates about the total profit of the company in context of the sales. Further, the net profit margin ratio of a company is a simple calculation which estimates that what is the total profit of the company in terms of the total equity of the company (Malaysia stock biz, 2017). The study of profitability ratio analysis has been investigated over the COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD. Net margin and return on equity ratio study of the company is as follows: 2016 2015 Profitability Net margin Net profit/revenues 16.07% 12.51% Return on equity Net profit/Equity 18.29% 16.14% (Morningstar, 2017) From the above calculations, it has been found that the net margin ratio of the company is 16.07% in 2016 and 12.15% in 2015. The net profit margin ratio of the company depict that net profit and the sales of the company has became higher from last year and thus the net profit position of the company has became better. This depict that the company is performing very well in the market. From the above calculations, it has been found that the return on equity ratio of the company is 18.29% in 2016 and 16.14% in 2015 (Fulin, 2011). The return on equity ratio of the company depicts that net profit and the equity of the company has become higher from last year and thus the return on equity of the company has become better. This depict that the company is performing very well in the market. And thus the return offered to the investors of the company would also be higher. Efficiency position is the type of ratio analysis which depict about the position of the cash collection of the company. Efficiency position depicts about the position of the turnover of the inventory, debtors, creditors and the assets of the company. This analysis helps the company to manage the position in which the entire turnover cost of the company is managed. Efficiency ratios of a company could be analyzed through analyzing the receivable, payable and the asset turnover position of a company (Gurufocus, 2017). Receivable collection period ratio is a simple calculation which estimates about the debtors collection time. Further, the payable collection period ratio is a simple calculation which estimates about the creditors payment time and lastly, asset turnover ratio is a simple calculation which estimates about the turnover in the assets of the company. The study of efficiency ratio analysis has been investigated over the COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD. Receivable collection period, payable collection period and asset turnover ratio study of the company is as follows: 2016 2015 Efficiency Receivables collection period Receivables/ Total sales*365 74.41 58.84 Payables collection period Payables/ Cost of sales*365 54.46 48.94 Asset turnover ratio Total sales/ Total assets 0.94 1.04 (Malaysia Stock biz, 2017) From the above calculations, it has been found that the receivable collection period of the company is 74.41 days in 2016 and 58.84 days in 2015. The receivable collection period of the company depict that total time of collection has became more than last year. This depict that the working capital of the company must be higher. Further, it has been found that the payable collection period and the asset turnover ratio of the company is 54.46 and 0.94 in 2016 and 48.94 and 1.04 in 2015. The payable collection period and the asset turnover ratio of the company depict that the company is required to maintain the control over the asset turnover and the payment days helps the company to manage the operations smoothly (4 traders, 2017). Capital structure is the type of ratio analysis which depict about the position of the equity and the debt position of the company. Capital structure position depicts about the position of the debts and the equity position of the company. This analysis helps the company to manage the position in which the entire funds of the company are managed. Capital structure ratios of a company could be analyzed through analyzing the position of the assets, debt and equity of a company (De Haan and Amtenbrink, 2011). Debt to equity ratio is a simple calculation which estimates about the total debt of a company in comparison of the total equity of the company. Further, the Debt to assets ratio is a simple calculation which estimates about the total debt of a company in comparison of the total assets of the company (Deegan, 2013). These analyzes depict about the capacity of a company to manage the financial funds. The study of capital structure ratio analysis has been investigated over the COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD. Debt to equity ratio and the debt to asset ratio study of the company are as follows: Capital structure ratio 2016 2015 Debt to Equity Ratio Debt/ Equity 0.21 0.24 Debt to assets Debt/ Total assets 0.17 0.19 From the above calculations, it has been found that the debt to equity ratio of the company is 0.21 in 2016 and 0.24 in 2015. The debt to equity ratio of the company depicts that how much the debt of the company in comparison of the equity of the company. This depict about the total risk and return of the company (Du and Girma, 2009). Further, it has been found that the debt to asset ratio of the company is 0.17 in 2016 and 0.19 in 2015. The debt to assets ratio of the company depicts that how much the debt of the company in comparison of the assets of the company. This depict about the total risk and return of the company as well as the management capability of the company to manage the optimal capital structure. From the above analysis, it has been found the liquidity position of the comapny is becoming more expensive for the company. The company is required to manage the level of the current assets, quick assets and the current liabilities to manage the risk and the cost of the company. More, the profitability ratios of the company depict that the net profit margin and the return on equity of the company has became higher from last year. This depict that the company is performing very well in the market. And thus the return offered to the investors of the company would also be higher. Additionally, it has been found that the company is required to manage the position of the inventory and asset turnover to reduce the level of the working capital and lastly, the capital structure ratio of the company is required to enhance the position of the debt to manage the risk and return factor of the company. Through this analysis, it has been found that the company is required to manage the various activities and the operations to identify the level of the return and reduce the level of the risk. The current position of the company depict that the investors would get higher return from the company and thus it is a good option for the investors to invest the amount in the COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD for long term as well as short term. Conclusion: To conclude, the liquidity position of the comapny is becoming worst day by day for the company as well as the investors of the company. The company is required to manage the level of the current assets, quick assets and the current liabilities to manage the risk and the cost of the company. The profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, solvent ratios, efficiency ratios and the capital structure ratios of the company are depicting about the different position of the company. Profitability ratios are depicting about the good performance of the company and depicting that the performance and position of the company are in the favour the investors and would offer high return to the company. Further, the efficiency ratios are depicting about the good performance of the working capital management and depicting that the performance and position of the company are in the favour the investors and would offer high return to the company. Lastly, the capital structure ratios are depicting about the debt and equity position of the company and also depict that the comapny must make a control over the performance and the position of the company. Through this analysis, it has been found that the company is required to manage the various activities and the operations to identify the level of the return and reduce the level of the risk. The current position of the company depict that the investors would get higher return from the company and thus it is a good option for the investors to invest the amount in the COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD for long term as well as short term. References: 4-traders, 2017. COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD. Retrieved from as on 4 Nov 2017 Corporate social responsibility. 2017. COCOALAND HOLDINGS BERHAD. Retrieved from as on 4 Nov 2017 De Haan, J. and Amtenbrink, F., 2011. Credit rating agencies. Deegan, C., 2013. Financial accounting theory. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. 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