Sunday, May 17, 2020

Who Is An Adult Essay - 1338 Words

The article titled â€Å"Who is an adult?† is a blog published by Psychology Today on March 3rd, 2010, in which Jennifer Tanner attempts to show the debate on when a person is considered an adult by presenting two sides of the debate and their similarities. On one side of the debate Tanner uses Dr. Jeffry Arnett’s research study of the 1990’s. He interviewed three hundred eighteen to twenty-nine year olds to discover if they felt that they were adolescents or adults. The conclusion was that the majority of their answers were neither one or the other but â€Å"in-between.† On the other side of the debate Tanner uses The Network on Transitions to Adulthood, a network of researchers that argues there is an extended adolescence stalling-off adulthood. Tanner discusses these two sides of the age debate, while remaining neutral on the issue, in order to increase our society’s awareness of the impact of these critical years on the rest of our life. As an a pplied developmental psychologist, Tanner explains this stage from adolescence to adulthood has been the theme of her work. She worked as an undergrad with Dr. Susan Whitbourne on studies of college students growing up. Tanner states, â€Å"I have been intrigued by the lack of understanding we have about the critical years when we lay the foundation of our adult lives† (Tanner, 2010). The author is building the argument up by displaying her expertise on the issue. This strategy is also used when Tanner presents both sides of the debate. SheShow MoreRelatedJuveniles Who Stand Trial As An Adults1519 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract Juveniles who is housed with adults is a major issue. It’s important to address this issue accordingly, however the issue is not addressed. Why would you houses juveniles with adults together? Juveniles and adults have two different minds fames. Yes, some would say â€Å"you the crime, you do the time†, however juveniles are not mentally and physically equal. 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